Rain Wear
Rain Wear
The job site for at-height workers, industry, and construction is diverse and the weather is anything but predictable. That’s why you need to be prepared for anything the job and mother nature throws at you. Not only do you need to be prepared for the weather, but you also need to be prepared for the time of day and the visibility of the job site. That’s where our hi-vis rain gear comes into play.
Get the best of both worlds with our tenacious rain gear. Our rain gear will not only keep you dry, but it will also keep you visible in low light situations. When looking at rain gear, as with all hi-vis gear, it is important to factor what type of ANSI rating the gear has and what rating you need it to have.
When looking at anything hi-vis it is important to know the different ANSI classifications. The two main classifications are Class 2 and Class 3.
Class 2:
Class 2 apparel is intended for environments that pose a greater risk than those that require Class 1 traditional safety yellow or orange apparel. Class 2 apparel is medium sized because of the ANSI requirements. Class 2 apparel must have at least 775 inches of safety yellow or orange material and 201 square inches of reflective striping.
Class 3:
Class 3 apparel is intended for dangerous environments and is typically larger pieces of clothing because of the ANSI requirements. They must have 310 square inches of reflective striping and 1,240 inches of safety yellow or orange material.
Non-ANSI rated gear means that it does not meet the requirements set forth by ANSI and should not be used in low light situations where certified hi-vis gear is required.
For more information, or if you have any questions, about our selection of rain wear click here to get in touch with one of our Gear Experts®.