Protective Suits
Protective Suits
It’s no secret that job sites are extremely diverse. Working on a job site usually involves a range of different jobs to be done. Each of which can present their own hazards. Protective suits ensure that you and your crew can stay safe on the job site no matter what situations might come up.
Sometimes job site environments can have hazards where traditional clothing isn’t safe enough to protect you. Or, it’s just so dirty that having a protective suit over your clothing provides an extra layer against the dirt and grime. Protective suits offer a range of benefits including the fact that it is one single piece. You don’t have to worry about the danger of hazardous materials getting in-between the area where your separate pieces of clothing meet. You can even add protective shoe coverings to close the space where your pants/the suit meet your shoes. Our selection of protective suits includes paint suits, hoods, general suits, hooded suits, and full body (including and hood and boots) suits.
Need help finding the perfect protective suit? Check in with one of our Gear Experts® here and we can help you find the perfect fit!